Thursday, May 29, 2008
Alternative Commuting options
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
My youngest Daughter has her Kindergarten graduation tomorrow. It is Hard to believe that this school year is just about over. She has made a lot of changes during this year. She's learned to read. She was the top reader in her class and completed all of the reading levels. She reads all the time. I am glad that she is excited about reading. That is something that I never had. I can read, but I read slow and it makes reading long documents pretty arduous. If she can keep up the reading, it will be great for her in the future.
The baby is doing really well. We had our first appointment since he was born. He is in the 95th percentile for length and 90th for weight. The doctor said that everything looks good and he is a healthy baby. Strange to say, but it was a great relief to hear that everything is looking good.
Well i will sign off for now. Here's to looking forward to a day where i can play a round of golf or go for a ride on the road bike. busy, busy, busy....
Sunday, May 25, 2008
4 days old...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Proud Papa
I am so very proud of Michelle and the girls. The girls have dealt with a lot. Our lives have been more interesting due to the bed rest, and they handled it very well.
Michelle has done well with taking care of herself and "baking" our boy. He is a perfect looking baby. I can not put into words how proud I am of her. I love her very much. Thank you for creating this perfect baby with me.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
He's Here!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Got Milk?
14 tons of spilled Oreo cookies snarl Illinois traffic.
MORRIS, Ill. (AP) — Police say a trailer loaded with 14 tons of double-stuffed Oreos has overturned, spilling the cookies still in their plastic sleeves into the median and roadway.
Illinois State Police Sgt. Brian Mahoney says the truck's driver was traveling from Chicago to Morris on Interstate 80 around 4 a.m. Monday when he fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into the median.
"The boxes came out of the trailer and boxes were ripped open," he said.
The crash about 50 miles southwest of Chicago remains under investigation.
Mahoney says no charges have been filed but both lanes of traffic remain closed while authorities remove the cookies.
I love oreo's, but one has to wonder exactly how many Oreo's do you need to equal 14 tons?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Rider number 210
The 30 milers left the starting line last. We left right at 9am. (Finally on the road). All of the training rides paid off. The hills on this ride, while brutal, were manageable since I trained. I ended up riding with one other Deloitte rider, Dick Clark, for a majority of the day. The rest stops were nice. There were 2 on the 30 mile route. The second one was sponsored by FEDEX. They did a nice job with having a lot of food available and a lot of volunteers cheering the riders on. The final 17 miles of the ride were nice. They were smaller / flatter rolling hills.
I was able to finish the ride in 2 hours. My best time for that distance.
My final fund raising tally is $700. That is not bad, but still $300 shy from my desired goal.
Deloitte Cycling had 33 riders for the bike ride, all in all there were 1000 riders (wow) at the event. The Team tally as of 5/19/08 is $28,509.34 (Awesome!)
What a great day.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Days…
Today was beautiful. The rain finally subsided, the clouds parted, and the sun shined all day long. It was tough working today. I have been working 3 days a week from home since Michelle was put on bed rest. Normally it isn’t too bad since the kids are at school all day. Today was the Democratic Primary in
I had left my bike at the shop after my ride on Saturday. Nothing serious, just some tweaks – Front De-railer adjusted, Front Brakes adjusted, and the rear wheel trued. I drove up today to pick it up. Everything came out great. I got it back home and rigged back up for the MS Ride this weekend.
My oldest is starting to get more curious about the internet. I know that we have raised her well, but there are a lot of weirdo’s out there. I have been contemplating using an application called NetNanny for a while. It is an app that runs on the kids PC and monitors all of her actions. If she does something that goes against the rules that we set up in the app – it pops up an alert and sends an email to me. I am able to generate reports and see where she goes and chat logs (if she has any). I sat down when I installed it and explained that it wasn’t that we didn’t trust her, but it was our way of ensuring that she is safe. She seems okay with it for now – we’ll have to see how things go.
Baby watch is starting to stress me out. The doctors seem concerned one day – and then not the next. So this is playing a yo-yo thing with Michelle and me. Every week we have an appointment. Every week we go through the same scenarios of should we bring the bag for the hospital (in case they send her directly there from the office) or should we not. Even a decision like that isn’t as easy as it sounds. This means we have to check in with the neighbors to determine who is around so that the kids have somewhere to go, dog has someone to help take care of her, blah – blah – blah…
Anyways – that’s about all the fun for now. I am going to sign off and finish watching this Gene Simmons show. Mindless fun ;-)
Yes We Can...

Today is the Democratic primary in West Virginia. I will be headed up to see if I am able to vote today. I am a registered independent. I felt this was the way to register because i feel that the two party system doesn't suit my needs. I think that I should vote for the best person for the job rather than how that person has affiliated themselves with a political party. I really like Bill Clinton as a President. This initially had me leaning towards Hillary. Thinking that if she were elected then his influences would be back in the white house. Hillary seems like a strong candidate, but something about her doesn't give me that warm and fuzzy. I can't see my vote going her way just on the fact that her husband was a great President.
I like the stance that Obama has on Iraq. He has stated that he wants to bring our troops home. Obama has stated that he would not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.
I like the stance that Obama has on technology. He has stated that he wants to invest in technologies to modernize the nation and government to the 21st century. This is important for us if we are to keep our position as a global power. I think that this is an important place to direct our federal budget.
I think his slogan is funny. "Yes We Can". Bob the builder has the very same slogan - "Can we fix it - Yes we Can!"
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Champions against MS
One of the aspects of the MS Bike rides is that there are riders who can become champions of the cause. Champions against MS connect with people living with MS (in this case my mom) to foster education, understanding, and hope. The Champions are identified by a bright red bandanna. My mom signed my bandanna and sent it back to me. I had struggled with trying to figure out how / where to place it for the ride. Today I finally figured out where to place it (as you can see above). My "blow out" kit made a good base for it.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Frustration was the title of this post. The frustration tonight is stemming from the mandatory fund raising goals that some of the charity rides. The MS Bike ride has a $300 min. requirement. I met that one – but I have some incentive to work towards it. I wanted to do the Tour De Cure. This ride is to support the American Diabetes Association. One of our neighbors’ kids has been diagnosed with Diabetes and I think that these kinds of events bring good attention towards awareness and to help funnel funds towards finding a cure. I just don’t know how I am supposed to go about raising funds for yet another ride. I am not willing to pay $200 to be able to participate in a ride. I have enough costs with equipment and maintenance on the bike. It just sucks that there are mandatory minimum funds that I would have to raise. I guess I will just have to look for other rides that don’t have those kinds of restraints.
"Work will expand to fit the time available for it's completion." -- If you let it.
The premise is if you give yourself too much time, you will take up all the time available. If you give yourself too little time, you will feel stressed and defeated by the task before you even begin.
The training has some interesting things to noodle through, but overall it wasn't a very effective use for the time - fun fun.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Something special
I went to run some errands and there is something special about driving a fresh clean car on a bright sunny day.
All systems look good...
Yesterday was my first ride on the road bike since I beat up my knee. The ride was 12 miles long. I averaged a little over 14 miles per hour, which is good as my averages go, and it took me about 50 minutes. The saddle that came with my bike was quite uncomfortable (even with the padded shorts). I started pricing out saddles and any of the road bike saddles for a more serious rider were in the range of $100 +. Last year we bought Michelle a saddle for her mountain bike that was pretty nice from Dick’s Sporting Goods. We stopped by on Saturday while we made our trip to Dulles to pick out the new Bassinet. The saddle made a lot of difference. The best part is that it was less than $25. It was nice that I wasn’t sore at all after the 12 mile ride, so I hope it works out well for the 30.
2006 Chateau Ste. Michelle - Gewurztraminer

My brother and his family came over this afternoon. It was a great time letting the kids get together and run around the backyard. Morgan also had a play date today. Tony brought Vinnie, their Australian Shepherd, with them. The dogs got along amazingly well. We grilled some burgers and sat around the kitchen table and caught up on life. The weather outside was perfect, so there was a great breeze blowing through the house. The kids were in the backyard running between the play set and the trampoline. Abby brought a nice bottle of wine to share. It was a 2006 Chateau Ste. Michelle - Gewurztraminer. It reminded me of a Reisling. It was a light & sweet wine. I hate drinking by myself, and since Michelle dislikes drinking alcohol for the most part i don't tend to drink as much. I'd probable go through a lot more of my wine collection if my parents were closer or if Tony and his family came over more. Hopefully that is something that we can coordinate in the future.
All - in - all it was a great weekend.