Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I am feeling pretty cranky today.

We were feeling pretty good after Michelle’s baby appointment yesterday. The doctor decided to use the in office ultra-sound machine and got the information that she wanted. Awesome, that means that we didn’t need to make the weekly second trip to Frederick for another appointment.

WHOA! – Not so fast… A couple days ago I started having knee pain in my left knee (my good one – heh). Sunday evening it was a little swollen, nothing terrible though. I am use to a little knee swelling (especially as the weather pattern changes). It was really tough to sleep Sunday night. I just couldn’t find a comfortable position. I dealt with the pain throughout Monday. I have a pretty high pain threshold. That has been a comment I have heard from a few doctors.

This morning I made the decision to trek my happy self into the Urgent Care (ugh – another trip to Frederick). After a fairly short wait, I was taken back to be checked out. The mystery question was asked – “What did you do?” There is the question. I am not sure what caused the pain to start or the joint to swell. It wasn’t as if there was a cause & effect that happened. So they took an X-ray and the doctor thinks that it is tendonitis. He wrapped it in an ace bandage and told me that I should see an orthopedic doctor sooner than later.

Ugh! This is just what I needed about 2 weeks from the MS bike ride. I am scheduled to go see a Ortho doc tonight, so I will just have to wait and see what he has to say about training…

Isn’t life just a boat load of fun?

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